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In response to increased interest in fluoride, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has launched a “Frequently Asked Questions” webpage.
The Spring Election is April 1st. There are some statewide races on the ballot, as well as a handful of local town board contests and school referenda.
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Tesla CEO Elon Musk and political groups he backs are pouring millions of dollars into the race for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court as the electric vehicle company sues to overturn a state law that prevents it from opening dealerships — a case that eventually could make its way to the high court
The DNR needs volunteers to lend their ears to the annual Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey
Election day is April 1st and not only will Antigo be voting for a mayor, but also term limits on all city council members
The person found dead during a fire in Lincoln County was the woman who lived in the home
Indigenous people have made great contributions to the state of Wisconsin yet the alarming rates of violence against them remains a public health crisis
The $81 million is the most on record for any U.S. judicial race, breaking the $56 million spent on Wisconsin’s Supreme Court contest in 2023, when majority control also was at stake.
The DNR says that native plants help provide for natural pollinators like butterflies and bees
Michigan is home to more than 470,000 veterans, yet many have never accessed the military benefits to which they are entitled
Tuesday, April 22nd at 6:00 P.M.